Jun 1Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

I laughed so hard at this I almost tipped over into hysteria when I just start uncontrollably sobbing from laughing too hard. Managed to keep it together because I did not want to pee on myself.

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Ha ha ha! well you have more control than I do for sure (with regards to peeing oneself.) Hahahaha!

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Oh I already went through one pair of pants yesterday and was in bed and did not want to get up and put on another pair! 🤣

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May 31Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

I am busting a gut reading this post. The empty White Claw can story is THE BEST! I consider myself fortunate that I never had children (instead I had dogs). I'm perfectly happy reading about the JOY that you've had in raising them. HA! The only problem is, I'm not sure who will be around to pick out my nursing home!

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Dogs are so much less judgmental when it comes to what they find in your recycling!

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Jun 2Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

Yes, and they don't notice our middle aged chin hairs either.

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Good point!!!

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I had an 8 year old kid walk into my pantry, grab candy without asking, then tell me I was going to hell but he wasn't. He had already been saved. Interesting...

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