As a boy mom of littler boys, I can’t tell you how much I loved reading this. I ADORE being a boy mom and can tell you do too 💙

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I do love it! Thank you for reading and commenting! This made my day!

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Funny, and so relatable. My eldest (21) is about to move home after six years of boarding school and college. We've missed out on most of his shenanigans (heard some stories), but his younger brother (19) and his friends have filled the gap. Life is about to get much more interesting with the two of them together again.

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This is wonderful! I grew up with an older brother, but he and his friends spent their time at someone else’s house.

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My son is barely 2 and a half and I can already see this is SO TRUE (and hilarious. I used to teach middle schoolers. The boy stink is real). On Thanksgiving my son was chasing the older boys of a family friend around and then wresting them to the ground and sitting on their heads. They all loved it, of course. And just this morning somebody had a bit of noisy gas at the breakfast table and he busted out with the "boy laugh" -- you know the one, where they find something gross funny? How does he learn this behavior???

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Yes all of that tracks!!! The boy laugh is forever!

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I think the degree of feral-ness is pretty much up to the mom in young boys. We worked a lot but when we played it was usually some sort of organized matter or game or sport.

Now as teens we did more survival type stuff and began to hunt and fish.

I'd say my take to the modern world is ALL kids need more work and responsibility mixed with their fun. They are happier, stable, reasonable people when they have worked as kids.

And dads have a heavier influence as those boys move farther into their teens. Plus, they become aware of girls and scared of them.

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RIP Stickolas

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Right??!! Crushing loss for all of us.

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Wonderfully written, made me powerfully nostalgic for my own boyhood.

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That’s a really wonderful thing to say, thank you! ❤️

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I have a son and a daughter. I used to do a stand up routine using the difference in behavior. Since I was divorced my son didn't have a Dad in the house, but somehow he knew to drink milk from the gallon jug. Yes, yes, yes to all you wrote and I add I loved having more boys in my classes because they were more fun.

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Oh I would love to see that routine!

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As the father of two sons and one daughter, I can reverse this and ask what the heck is going on with girls? To be more specific, teenage girls. As a comedian once said, an alien came from above and invaded my daughter’s body at about 12 years old. The alien didn’t leave until she was 25. The best part of having a girl is she helped me to better understand my wife!

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Nice to hear from a woman who doesn't hate boys.

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Just going to say that this kind of post is part of why I enjoy Substack.

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And I just want to say that is such a nice thing to say!!! Thank you, Kevin!

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Yea, Growing up I was involved in a literal rock fight until I got hit in the head and started bleeding profusely. 🤷‍♂️ seemed like a good idea to us at the time.

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Boys are wonderful, but having been one I can attest boys can act and do incredibly stupid things, depending on the individual that trait can also carry over into manhood. They take bigger risks and hide their feelings, part of that is they may not understand them (feelings). It takes a nurturers and a loving but strict approach to boys to help guide them into manhood.

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Yes, I believe I have…. For the most part😅. If it wasn’t for accepting Jesus Christ in my early 20’s I honestly don’t know where I’d be now. Even that journey if viewed from the outside has been far from perfect, but it was his perseverance, guidance back to him (even using the hardest issues and circumstances I’ve been through), his love for me that has been my life saving experience. Thank you for your response and your article was so spot on!

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Thank YOU for reading and sharing your experience!

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Sounds like despite the incredibly stupid things from boyhood, you turned out just fine!

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As a father of numerous boys, I totally approve of this message.

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Oh goodness-- NUMEROUS????

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Yup. Numerous. Like, a lot of boys. Not one girl.

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I’m getting motion sickness just watching them.

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I’m the mother of 6 boys and I e never read such an accurate description 😂

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SIX BOYS!!!!??????????? HOW DID YOU SURVIVE????

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We raised 9 boys and 2 girls. I'm 60 and my youngest boy is 12. I wish I could say it gets easier!

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We have two girls too 💕

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Don't know if you have grandkids yet, but they make it all worth it. Granddaughters are the sweetest things on God's green earth. Grandsons are a bundle of activity and joy and keep me moving. We have 26 grandkids, with many more on the way. They will be a blessing in your life. Don't be scared to spoil them a little. You get to do all the fun things with them that your bratty kids wouldn't let you. 🤣🤣🤣

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My oldest is 16, so thankfully not yet!

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26!!!??? 😍😍😍

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We're just getting started! I'm from a two child family, but my wife also is from a family of 11. Her parents had about 125 grandchildren and almost 40 great-grandkids. I love big families now and wouldn't trade it for the world.

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Haven’t yet… will let you know in 10 years 🤣

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