Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

"I have no words. But I do have an esophagus full of excess air and someone’s about to get a mouthful." - LOVE THIS. What the hell kind of dishwasher stacking is that, it looks like there's been an earthquake in there

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only foot rub demander that can't abide a man flu moment. I'm also terrible if I'm woken up - I fell to sleep watching a show the other day and my husband tried to wake me to tell me to get ready for bed, I got very angry and refused to do as he was saying, as though taking off my skinny jeans and mascara would benefit anyone but myself. Regretted that one at 3am when I woke up with gritty eyes and a leg cramp.

They put up with a lot from us. But looking at that dishwasher (and knowing my husband does similar nonsense) we put up with a lot from them too. Let's call it a tie.

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Yes, let’s!!! I’m laughing so hard (in solidarity) about falling asleep in skinny jeans and getting a leg cramp!

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Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

I told him off the next day for not trying harder to wake me up. We're the same, you and I

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Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

For Bart's birthday, I'm sending him a letter with a SASE. The note will be brief--just "Are you in danger and do you need help?" followed by a Yes checkbox and a No checkbox.

This was so damn funny. He sounds like a saint. That dishwasher debacle, though. Come on, Bart. You're better than that.

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But is he???? I would imagine knowing how to put a bowl in a dishwasher is a part of the criteria for Saint Hood.

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Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

You make an excellent point.

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Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

Is it just me, or does Penny have some awesome puppy feet?

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It is not just you! She does indeed have giant, awesome feet. And as you know I HATE (human) feet!

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Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

Hilarious! Congratulations on Penny's arrival!

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Thank you, Liz! Should be no surprise but all of the things I do not do for my husband, I do 739 times a day for Penny.

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Jun 7Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

Oh my gosh this made me laugh. I may or may not do some of these things too.

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I may or may not love you all the more if you do!

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I fully appreciate that you included the dishwasher. It's the crime of the century. Somebody lock this man up from this monster.

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Ha ha ha ha, oh YOU know how this photo will haunt him for life! It's my only defense! "But your honor! LOOK!"

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Ditto plus. I’m a monster too 43 years worth. When my husband gets sick he doesn’t need sympathy. He insists to be left alone . BUT and let me be bitchy clear . He’s a hypochondriac has an annoying morning cough insisting 5 doctors have given no explanation and is a detailed person where my life is ADD on steroids. Btw my dishwasher is a confusing hot mess like yours . Btw your new pup. Humans haven’t a candle to the woofers. I know. Alvin my English black lab is a fucking celebrity

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Jun 6Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

I feel this article. You’re such a great yin to his yang.

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I'm glad that you had a chance to get some hands on perspective.

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