There is no way a qualified school bus driver gets distracted by giggling girls. Nothing can penetrate the skills of a true professional, amirite? I reckon the teacher was jealous because she could never quite win over those girls & you had accomplished instant rapport. This is surely the reason the lists were full from then on.
You've got the perfect resume bullet point to serve as a volunteeer for the high school down hill ski club, in the dark with kids wearing helmets and big coats and even bigger attitudes. I made my husband volunteer.
OMG, you're SO BRAVE Shelly! I never had (a) the courage, (b) the calm, or (c) the cojones to chaperone a school trip! Thanks so much for rerunning this. It's new to me!
I’m so glad you re-shared this Shelly because it’s hilarious and ADORABLE! I had my first school chaperone experience last year and was allocated 6 kids and an epi-pen for one of them. My anxiety was THROUGH. THE. ROOF! 🤣
Andrea-- you are effing great. Which I guess means I am also effing great? Yes, we can be friends. But we cannot be chaperones together because surely the police would be called and this would be a formative memory for 63 nine-year-olds for many, many years to come.
Offering up the baby picture was a huge unforced error. Hilarious though. I'm guessing this particular teacher did not invite you back to future trips....
I can't tell you how happy it made me to see you used the name Radar. I made some kind of weird laugh-screech that I didn't even recognize as human. This was SO incredibly good, bestie! I think it's one of your best, and that's saying something considering your catalog has a lot of greats! Also, thank you so much for the shoutout!
"What could have been communicated with a voice, was manifested as three 8.5 x 11 sheets stapled together. And speaking of three sheets, anyone have a little nip in their backpack?"
I mean, lesson learned! I know always have a little something tucked in my backpack when I head out to school! Wait, is this why I haven’t been asked back? Radar 4-ever!
There is no way a qualified school bus driver gets distracted by giggling girls. Nothing can penetrate the skills of a true professional, amirite? I reckon the teacher was jealous because she could never quite win over those girls & you had accomplished instant rapport. This is surely the reason the lists were full from then on.
you know what? Yes. That is the answer. I'm going with that. Thank you.
I happen to be a fourth grade teacher and I've got to say I loved this. It was fun to get a chaperone's perspective.
Amazing! I would love to hear YOUR stories! Did you have chaperones as incompetent and I was?
You've got the perfect resume bullet point to serve as a volunteeer for the high school down hill ski club, in the dark with kids wearing helmets and big coats and even bigger attitudes. I made my husband volunteer.
OMG Cindy that sounds like my absolute nightmare. High school kids, dark, skiing…the patrol would have to rescue me for sure.
On the other hand, it has been great story fodder for my husband!
OMG, you're SO BRAVE Shelly! I never had (a) the courage, (b) the calm, or (c) the cojones to chaperone a school trip! Thanks so much for rerunning this. It's new to me!
Thank you for reading, Amanda! You may not have had the courage, but you had the BRAINS to not succumb to the classroom pressure!
I’m so glad you re-shared this Shelly because it’s hilarious and ADORABLE! I had my first school chaperone experience last year and was allocated 6 kids and an epi-pen for one of them. My anxiety was THROUGH. THE. ROOF! 🤣
Omg that is much too advanced! I would have left. Just walked right out.
The 45 minute bus ride only to seek the same items from your front yard. Haha
I’m guessing those kids think you’re cooler than you know. 😉
Can we be friends? I’m not even kidding. You are me. I am you. This was effing great.
Andrea-- you are effing great. Which I guess means I am also effing great? Yes, we can be friends. But we cannot be chaperones together because surely the police would be called and this would be a formative memory for 63 nine-year-olds for many, many years to come.
Ha! Oh, nobody will ever ask me to chaperone again. I’m barely allowed at the Board of Ed meetings anymore. Sometimes my mouth goes rogue.
Offering up the baby picture was a huge unforced error. Hilarious though. I'm guessing this particular teacher did not invite you back to future trips....
It was strange. Every time a field trip was brought up in my presence it was followed by, WE HAVE ENOUGH VOLUNTEERS THANK YOU!
I can't tell you how happy it made me to see you used the name Radar. I made some kind of weird laugh-screech that I didn't even recognize as human. This was SO incredibly good, bestie! I think it's one of your best, and that's saying something considering your catalog has a lot of greats! Also, thank you so much for the shoutout!
Dammit, I meant to single this out:
"What could have been communicated with a voice, was manifested as three 8.5 x 11 sheets stapled together. And speaking of three sheets, anyone have a little nip in their backpack?"
I mean, lesson learned! I know always have a little something tucked in my backpack when I head out to school! Wait, is this why I haven’t been asked back? Radar 4-ever!
Maybe next time you can show them a jar full of his baby teeth. RADAR IS DA MAN!
Get in line, girls! 😂
😂😂😂 Field trips are my worst nightmare.
I am still haunted by this one! My first and only!