But please do not take ‘the worst parent’ as a relevant point of reference. That particular rabbit hole goes deeper than most people can cope with

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Yikes. I was getting nervous just reading about the delivery. That crazy Hollywood. What will they think of next? I guess they’ll raise their kids in the wild too. Maybe let the forest animals raise them?

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They might be better of being raised by a kindly fox or elk family!

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Jul 11Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

This was so f’ing funny. Incredible. I’m calling it now: It’s only a matter of time before they merge this with one of the Bigfoot hunting shows. “Save the placenta! It’s great Sasquatch bait!”

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OMG these shows could all just morph into one another. Then when you catch Bigfoot, you have to live in a house with him for 3 month competing to be head of household and hope to not get voted out and have to live on fishing vessel being ravaged by deadly seas where you'll try to get a rose every week and eventually marry a stranger and I don't know how but it will definitely end with The Real Housewives.

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Jul 12Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

I would watch the shit out of that. Wait til Bigfoot finds out his 90-day fiancée from Moldova is only using him for a green card. He’s gonna be pissed! And then she’ll be naked and afraid.

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Jul 11Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

When did we become so obsessed with "natural childbirth" that we now have this show. I am so glad for the recap, Shelly because I could not bring myself to watch these two without screaming at the TV like I scream at Bengals football. I guess the bonus is everyone hides from me while watching football so maybe there is a win here...

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I am equal parts horrified/intrigued to learn this show exists.

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I’m not going to lie. It’s not the worst show I ever watched!

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Jul 10Liked by Shelly Mazzanoble

🤣 I naively thought I would have a natural birth (in a hospital, though) and holy shit did that go off the rails fast. I would have died at home/forest.

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Well I am certainly glad you did not die! But I am metaphorically dying at this sentence: “I would have died at home/forest.”

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